ILAS2016 — 11–15 July 2016 — KU Leuven, Belgium

20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)

20th ILAS Conference

In minisymposium: Plenary Talks

Tue 09:15–10:00, Auditorium Max Weber, Chair: Michael Overton
On completely positive semidefinite matrices and their applications
Monique Laurent (CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) Amsterdam, and Tilburg University)

We consider completely positive semidefinite matrices, which are defined as those symmetric matrices that admit a Gram representation by positive semidefinite matrices (of any size). They form the completely positive semidefinite cone, which is nested between the completely positive cone (consisting of the matrices having a Gram representation by nonnegative vectors) and the doubly-nonnegative cone (consisting of the nonnegative matrices having a Gram representation by arbitrary vectors). We will discuss properties of this new matrix cone, hierarchies of inner and outer approximations, and applications in quantum information and convex geometry.