About ILAS

The International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) was founded in 1989. The general goal of ILAS is to encourage activities in linear algebra. More details on the society can be found on the website of ILAS.
ILAS conferences are held in two out of three years — alternating with the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra. The previous ILAS meeting was in 2014 in Seoul, Korea and the next ILAS will be in 2017 in Ames, Iowa.
The conference will be held in the city center of Leuven at the Campus Sociale Wetenschappen, Parkstraat 45, 3000 Leuven.
The conference will use four buildings. The auditorium Max Weber is used for the plenary lectures. The auditorium Jean Monnet is in the same building upstairs. The registration desk will be in the foyer. For the parallel sessions we will additionally use up to eight rooms in building AV and the raadzaal in building SW. The raadzaal is also the room for the ILAS business meeting on Wednesday. The coffee breaks are held in the student restaurant Alma, which is closed for the public during the conference. The campus can be reached through five different entries. The Andreas-Vesaliusstreet is the continuation of the Maria-Theresiastreet and connects the campus directly with the train station.

Some information about hotels and accommodation can be found here.
Please refer to our page on travel information for tips on traveling to Leuven. Also, please have a look at the tourist information of the city of Leuven.
Local organizing committee
- Raf Vandebril (Chairman, Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven)
- Pierre-Antoine Absil (Department of Mathematical Engineering, Université catholique de Louvain)
- Thomas Mach (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven)
- Karl Meerbergen (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven)
- Wim Michiels (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven)
- Leonardo Robol (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven)
- Wim Vanroose (Department Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Antwerp)
- Marc Van Barel (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven)
You can reach the organizing committee by email: ilas2016@cs.kuleuven.be.
Scientific committee
- Raf Vandebril (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Wim Michiels (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Peter Šemrl (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Froilán Dopico (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
- Heike Faßbender (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
- Françoise Tisseur (The University of Manchester, UK)
- Dario Bini (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Hugo Woerdeman (Drexel University, United States)
- Fumio Hiai (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Douglas Farenick (University of Regina, Canada)
- Steve Kirkland (University of Manitoba, Canada)
You can reach the scientific organizing committee by email: ilas2016.soc@cs.kuleuven.be.
- 25 Dec 2015: Contributed Mini-symposium (CMS) submission deadline.
- 31 Jan 2016: Notification of acceptance of the contributed mini-symposia.
- 15 Mar 2016: Title and abstract submission deadline for IMS, CMS, and contributed talks.
- 15 Mar 2016: Student request for financial support deadline.
- 15 Apr 2016: Abstract acceptance.
- 15 Apr 2016: Notification of financial support for students.
- 15 May 2016: Early bird registration deadline.
- 15 Dec 2016: Proceedings submission deadline.
There will be a special issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications (LAA) for papers corresponding to talks given at the conference. The special editors of this issue are: Bas Lemmens, Douglas Farenick, Marc Van Barel, and Raf Vandebril. Papers will be refereed according to the usual high standards of LAA. More details can be found on the Proceedings page.
Twitter hashtag
If you are tweeting about the conference, please use the hashtag #ilas2016. This will simplify it for others to find your tweets and thus increase visibility.
- Provo, Utah, USA (1989)
- Lisbon, Portugal (1992)
- Pensacola, Florida, USA (1993)
- Rotterdam, The Netherlands (1994)
- Atlanta, Georgia, USA (1995)
- Chemnitz, Germany (1996)
- Madison, Wisconsin, USA (1998)
- Barcelona, Spain (1999)
- Haifa, Israel (2001)
- Aubrum, Alabama, USA (2002)
- Coimbra, Portugal (2004)
- Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (2005)
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006)
- Shanghai, China (2007)
- Cancun, Mexico (2008)
- Pisa, Italy (2010)
- Braunschweig, Germany (2011)
- Providence, Rhode Island, USA (2013)
- Seoul, Korea (2014)
- Leuven, Belgium (2016)
- Ames, Iowa, USA (2017)
Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra
The 2016 Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra will be awarded at the ILAS conference in Leuven. The Hans Schneider Prize is awarded by the International Linear Algebra Society for research, contributions, and achievements at the highest level of Linear Algebra. Previous recipients of this Prize are:
- 1993 — Miroslav Fiedler, Shmuel Friedland, and Israel Gohberg
- 1996 — Mike Boyle, David Handelman, and Robert C. Thompson
- 1999 — Ludwig Elsner
- 2002 — Tsuyoshi Ando
- 2004 — Peter Lancaster
- 2005 — Richard Varga
- 2006 — Richard Brualdi
- 2010 — Cleve Moler and Beresford Parlett
- 2013 — Thomas Laffey
- 2016 — Rajendra Bhatia and Paul Van Dooren
Rajendra Bhatia and Paul Van Dooren are 2016 Hans Schneider prize recipients for lifetime contributions to linear algebra.
Rajendra Bhatia has made very substantial and broad contributions to perturbation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, positive definite matrices, and matrix equations and inequalities. He has brought ideas and techniques from other areas, like Riemmanian geometry, to matrix analysis. He is a prolific writer having written several books, three of which (Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues, Matrix Analysis, and Positive Definite Matrices) are now classics and greatly cited.
Paul Van Dooren has made very substantial and significant contributions to linear algebra and its applications to other disciplines. His main line of research is numerical linear algebra and matrix theory, with applications to system and control theory. His work has been innovative and has been cited an unusually large number of times. Recently he has applied numerical linear algebra and matrix theory to large scale graphs and networks, drawing the attention of many researchers in applied science.
For many years, both Bhatia and Van Dooren have served the linear algebra community, and more generally the mathematics and scientific community, in many important ways: editorial work, expository writing, committees, and mentorship to young students and researchers. Both are highly respected members of the linear algebra community.
Paul Van Dooren will be awarded the prize at the ILAS Conference in Leuven in 2016, and Rajendra Bhatia will be awarded the prize at the ILAS Conference in Ames in 2017.
The 2016 Hans Schneider Prize Selection Committee consisted of Richard Brualdi (chair), Shmuel Friedland, Ilse Ipsen, Thomas Laffey, Xingzhi Zhan, and Peter Semrl (ex officio).
(quoted from ILAS-Net Message No. 2085)