ILAS2016 — 11–15 July 2016 — KU Leuven, Belgium

20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)

20th ILAS Conference

Recent Developments in Non-linear Preservers
Organizers: Gyorgy Pal Geher (University of Szeged); Lajos Molnar (University of Szeged).

Preserver problems concerning linear transformations on linear spaces of matrices or operators have been investigated within linear algebra and functional analysis for many decades and resulted in a number of important results. Lately, the main direction of research has been changed significantly, namely, to non-linear preservers and in the past years extensive research has been going on in that area.

This minisymposium is devoted to progresses and new developments on this relatively new research field. The speakers will present their recent research on such problems and give a faithful general picture about the present state of the area. In particular, results concerning preserver problems on linear spaces where linearity/additivity is not assumed as well as results concerning preserver problems on non-linear structures where linearity of the transformations cannot even be considered will be given.

    Thursday 14/07, 10:30–12:30

    1. Thu 10:30–11:00, Auditorium Jean MonnetContinuous space-time transformations, Clément de Seguins Pazzis (Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines).
    2. Thu 11:00–11:30, Auditorium Jean MonnetTingley's problem on matrix algebras, Ryotaro Tanaka (Kyushu University).
    3. Thu 11:30–12:00, Auditorium Jean MonnetStability of the Wigner equation - a singular case, Dijana Ilisevic (University of Zagreb).
    4. Thu 12:00–12:30, Auditorium Jean MonnetSymmetries on quantum pure states, Gyorgy Pal Geher (University of Szeged).

    Thursday 14/07, 16:00–18:00

    1. Thu 16:00–16:30, Auditorium Jean MonnetWeak-2-local maps on C$^*$-algebras, Antonio M. Peralta (Universidad de Granada).
    2. Thu 16:30–17:00, Auditorium Jean MonnetIsometries on algebras of Lipschitz functions with values in commutative $C^*$-algebras, Osamu Hatori (Niigata University).
    3. Thu 17:00–17:30, Auditorium Jean MonnetHolomorphic maps preserving spectral quantities, Constantin Costara (Ovidius University of Constanta).
    4. Thu 17:30–18:00, Auditorium Jean MonnetNonlinear transformations preserving pseudo spectra of operators, Mohamed Bendaoud (Moulay Ismail University).

    Friday 15/07, 10:30–12:30

    1. Fri 10:30–11:00, Auditorium Jean MonnetPreserver problems and Graph theory, Bojan Kuzma (University of Primorska and IMFM).
    2. Fri 11:00–11:30, Auditorium Jean MonnetSome results and techniques in non-linear preserver problems related to graph theory and finite geometry, Marko Orel (University of Primorska).
    3. Fri 11:30–12:00, Auditorium Jean MonnetGyrometric preservers on normed gyrolinear spaces, Toshikazu Abe (Niigata University).
    4. Fri 12:00–12:30, Auditorium Jean MonnetSome nonlinear preserver problems on quantum states and positive semidefinite operators, Marcell Gaál (University of Szeged).