ILAS2016 — 11–15 July 2016 — KU Leuven, Belgium

20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)

20th ILAS Conference

In minisymposium: Recent Developments in Non-linear Preservers

Fri 11:30–12:00, Auditorium Jean Monnet
Gyrometric preservers on normed gyrolinear spaces
Toshikazu Abe (Niigata University)

The concept of gyrocommutative gyrogroups is defined by Ungar. It is a generalization of the concept of commutative groups. A gyrocommutative gyrogroup is not necessarily commutative nor associative. A concrete example of a gyrocommutative gyrogroup is provided by admissible velocities in Einstein's special relativity, and another concrete example is provided by the Poincaré disk model of hyperbolic geometry. In this talk, we consider a generalization of real normed spaces based on gyrocommutative gyrogroups and give a Mazur-Ulam type theorem for such spaces.

  1. T. Abe, Normed Gyrolinear Spaces: a Generalization of Normed Spaces Based on Gyrocommutative Gyrogroups, Mathematics Interdisciplinary Research, to apper.
  2. T. Abe and O. Hatori, Generalized gyrovector spaces and a Mazur-Ulam theorem, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 87 (2015), pp. 393–413.